What is glutathione

What is Glutathione and why do we need it to stay healthy?

While Glutathione (GSH) was discovered in 1888, the enormous importance of this molecule in the body has only recently become understood. Glutathione is commonly referred to as a “master antioxidant” and has the ability to recycle almost every other antioxidant, and even itself. Antioxidants are critically important for a number of reasons, and play the vital role of preventing damage to important cellular components from free radical species or peroxides. Hence, a molecule which can recycle antioxidants is highly valuable in the body.

What does glutathione do?

Glutathione is a relatively simple molecule that is constantly produced naturally in your body. It is a combination of three amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) – cysteine, glycine and glutamine. So what makes Glutathione so powerful? The key to the success of this small molecule are the sulphur (SH) groups it contains. Sulfur is a sticky molecule, which “collects” numerous harmful substances in the body such as cancer-causing free radicals and toxins such as mercury and other heavy metals.

Glutathione is not just responsible for heavy metal detoxification. In addition to this role, Glutathione plays numerous essential roles in keeping the body healthy:

Glutathione really is a master molecule, and plays a number of critical roles in maintaining our health and wellbeing. Maintaining Glutathione levels in the body is critical to maintaining good health and staying disease free.

How to maintain your glutathione levels

Fortunately, Glutathione is normally generated within the body, so you don’t need to worry about how to obtain it through your diet. Not only is Glutathione generated in the body, but after it has neutralized heavy metal molecules it is actually regenerated.

So as long as Glutathione is being made, there is no problem. However, there are times when Glutathione levels do decrease, and this may be when the body becomes more susceptible to disease:

What’s more, most glutathione supplements and pills show limited effectiveness, as they are destroyed by the harshly acidic environment of the stomach acid. With the importance of Glutathione rapidly becoming recognised in the medical field, new treatments and supplements are becoming available as more research is performed.

In the meantime, maintain a healthy diet, limit your exposure to environmental toxins, exercise regularly and reduce stress in your lifestyle as much as possible. Your Glutathione levels will reap the rewards!

SEE ALSO: Riboceine is about 300% more potent than NAC for helping the cells create glutathione.

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